Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty
Henry M. Robert

№25, (2000)

26.09.2000 - 00:00

Oligarchy Deficit

THE MISTAKES OF OLIGARCHS They are against everyone: those above them, below them, and on the same level. They underestimate the importance of their having the positive image of a special social...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

School Welcomed Pupils with Phenol Fumes

The series of ecological disasters that have recently haunted Ukraine was continued by an incident at a school in the village of Bedrikivtsi, Ternopil oblast. According to Interfax-Ukraine, six...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Political stability in Ukraine depends on the Cabinet’s ability to find a common language with the parliamentary majority

Many things indicate that further destiny of the Viktor Yushchenko government, on which we pinned so many expectations and illusions earlier this year, looks in no way cloudless. On the one hand,...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Ukraine Could Contribute More to World Heritage

On September 19 UNESCO General Director Koichiro Matsuura attended a sitting of the Ukrainian National Commission on UNESCO to discuss Ukraine’s cooperation in the main venues such as education,...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Ukraine Will Fulfill its Obligation To Close Chornobyl

President Leonid Kuchma expressed his anxiety about the G-7 countries “not having fulfilled yet” their commitments connected with the shutdown of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. According to...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Majority Solves “Essentially Technical Problem” To Oleksandr Karpov’s Liking

On September 21, the parliamentary majority elected a new coordinator (according to the agreement, a new majority coordinator is elected at each parliamentary session). As predicted, the nod was...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Slovakia Supports Ukraine

Slovakia will not adopt decisions relating to natural gas, that “would harm the interests of Ukraine,” said Slovak Foreign Minister Eduard Kukan in a meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

South Africa Fills Blank Spot in Kyiv’s Foreign Policy

Jacob Zuma, Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, visiting Kyiv along with a large governmental delegation, is likely to give a fresh impetus to cooperation between Ukraine and South...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Hennady UDOVENKO: Groupings within the parliamentary majority are not helpful

The interview with the head of the People’s Movement (Rukh) of Ukraine, agreed upon several days beforehand, had to be postponed for several hours, because at the time Hennady Udovenko was engaged in...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Folk Bards Of History

Kobzars, Ukrainian itinerant musicians playing the kobza (traditional Ukrainian eight-stringed lute —Ed.) represent a unique, truly national historical phenomenon. They can be compared to the...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Or Is it easy to be a young animator?

In continuation of our story about the Krok-2000 International Festival of Animated Films, I cannot avoid again touching on the topic of contrasts. They not only accompanied on the whole trip from...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

National Circus of Ukraine opens 125th jubilee season

The Day ’s reporters saw a preview of the new program somewhat grandiloquently called “The Road of Courage and Inspiration” on the eve of its opening. The preview, more precisely, dress rehearsal, is...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Japanese Garden In Donbas

Of all the 15 countries visited by Takashi Itozawa, a 36-year- old Japanese artist and photographer, Ukraine — Luhansk oblast, to be precise — was the only one to accord him such hospitality and with...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Dyed Flowers

The new season opening at the National Philharmonic Society shows that the “new ideology” from the Soviet mold is all ready to get and keep music under control. Perhaps this is an exaggeration,...
26.09.2000 - 00:00

Mobile Phones Still Symbolize Luxury, Not Civilized Necessity

To paraphrase a popular literary hero [Ostap Bender in Ilf’s and Petrov’s Twelve Chairs —Ed.], a mobile phone is not a luxury but a means of communications, although I am afraid some might fail to...
